Our first app under our own brand!

After having spent 100's of hours toiling away on iOS Apps for clients we are now starting work on a series of apps under our own brand.

The first app will be a Vehicle Logging app, although there are a number of these in the App Store we feel that we can make a worthwhile contribution in this space.

Watch this space as the app takes shape and see our process in action.

The first pass of our 1.0 feature list is as follows

  • Logging of trips, fuel, services, expenses
  • Use GPS for trip start/end (Save location with a bookmarked name, find bookmarks that match current location)
  • Save frequently used start/dest pairs for fast entry
  • Optionally add a return trip automatically
  • Tracking vehicle fuel efficiency
  • Optionally track fuel type
  • Optionally track average trip lengths
  • Maintain a record of services
  • User may enter a service schedule or pick a default
  • Remind user when a service is nearly due and once the time/distance has passed
  • Generate reports for expenses claims (Reimbursement for trips given a per km rate, expenses etc)
  • Reports in csv, xml, html, pdf
  • Allow customer configured templates
  • Reports can be emailed, printed, sent to Dropbox
  • Data sync to Dropbox or iCloud
  • Local notifications for service reminders

Next step will be to start sketching UI concepts